Therapeutic Massage

60 minutes $75
90 minutes $105

Involves more focused, specific work on the soft tissues of the body, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that move and support your body. Therapeutic massage supports relief from chronic pain, deep relaxation, and reduced anxiety.


Swedish Massage

60 minutes $75
90 minutes $105

Rest and restore. If you just want to relax and release tension from the day, this is the massage for you. Promotes a general sense of well-being in the body.


Nature Immersion Massage

Prices vary depending on modality

Receive any modality of massage in a private outdoor setting by our pond. Enjoy the warmth of the sun, and the sounds of nature, making your massage a true whole sensory experience.


Additional services to add on to any massage

60 minutes $75
90 minutes $ 105

Cupping $10

Deep Tissue

60 minutes $85 90 minutes $115

Uses a heavier pressure to release deep muscle layers. Breaks up adhesions and scar tissue.


Prenatal Massage

Offers relaxation and relief from aches and pains associated with pregnancy. This massage is customized to the needs of a pregnant womans changing body.



a woman getting a back massage at a spa
a woman getting a back massage at a spa
a large bird flying over a body of water
a large bird flying over a body of water
man massaging woman's body
man massaging woman's body
a woman getting a back massage in a spa
a woman getting a back massage in a spa
closeup photography of pregnant woman wearing blue panty
closeup photography of pregnant woman wearing blue panty